The African Village UK

Clarity About Heritage

It’s okay if you’re confused about your heritage and need clarity.


Many people who were raised outside of Africa may feel confused about their cultural heritage. Without having grown up in the continent, it can be difficult to connect with and fully comprehend one’s roots. Nonetheless, it’s important to realize that this is a common experience, and it’s perfectly normal to feel this way.


Discovering one’s cultural heritage is a journey that takes time. For Africans in the diaspora, particularly younger generations, this journey can be especially challenging due to factors such as negative stereotypes about Africa, reconciling traditional beliefs with modern society, grappling with their own identity, and the constant balancing act of living between two distinct cultures.


While discovering and reconnecting with your heritage may be arduous, it can also be incredibly rewarding. To begin this process, consider engaging with the African community in your area through cultural events like a Davido or Asake concert. Such events may help change preconceived notions you’ve had for years and can also broaden your understanding of African culture and traditions and enable you to forge connections with individuals who share your heritage.


Utilizing social media platforms on topics about Africa and initiatives such as The African Village UK project can also assist you in your journey of rediscovering your roots.


You can also research your family history and gain a better understanding of your roots. This may involve talking to family members, looking at old documents, or even going further to take a DNA test to trace your ancestry. Reading books and watching documentaries about African history, culture and traditions can also provide valuable insights and help you gain a better understanding of your heritage.


It’s perfectly okay if you’re confused about your African heritage, and you need clarity. Remember that it’s a common experience and there are several ways out.


Brigid Kwawu
Accra, Ghana

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